Eating the Rainbow
Why eating the rainbow and phytonutrients are so important for your health.
Ever heard of phytonutrients? 🧐 👉
Phytonutrients are special plant compounds that give additional benefits similar to vitamins. These nutrients are responsible for a plant’s color as well as their distinctive flavor and aroma. Phytonutrients in plants protect them from assaults from their environment such as disease and excessive sun. When these plants are eaten, they confer benefits such as lowering our risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. 🙌🙌
In the US, we have what is called a “phytonutrient gap”. Based on a recent large survey of Americans called NHANES, eight out of ten adults don’t get enough color/phytonutrients from foods. To help close your own gap, aim for eating different colors in your meals throughout the day, such as blue/purple blueberries in the morning, white/tan jicama with lunch and dark green leafy salad with dinner. When you are grocery shopping, take a look at what foods you’re choosing in the produce aisle . Are your selections all green? If so, try adding some oranges and reds and purple foods to your cart for a wider spectrum of both protection and flavors. 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍉🍇🥦🥬
Eating the rainbow is the best way to ensure lots of phytonutrients are on your plate and here is what each color does for you!
🍎 Reds: Antioxidant Anti-inflammatory Immune-modulating
🍊Oranges: Endocrine modulation Fat-soluble antioxidants Role in Ovulation and Fertility
🍌Yellows/Tans/Browns: Anti-inflammatory Binders, fibers Stomach motility Blood sugar response Prebiotic
🥦Greens: Antioxidant Binders Clotting Detoxification Methylation Vasodilation
🫐Blues/Purples/Blacks: Anti-inflammatory Antioxidant Brain Protective Cognition support Neuronal support
Happy Eating Friends 😋💚