Mythbuster: Coffee Edition
If coffee is your morning (mid morning, afternoon…all the time) beverage of choice this post is for you.
Go ahead and grab a cup of joe and read on friends! 😋☕️
Study after study indicates you could be getting more from your favorite morning beverage than you thought: “Coffee is chock full of substances that may help guard against many conditions” according to Diane Vizthum, M.S., R.D., research nutritionist for Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Coffee benefits include: you could live longer; your body could process glucose (or sugar) better; you’re less likely to develop heart failure or Parkinson's disease; protective effects on your liver; your DNA could be stronger; decrease risk for colon cancer, Alzheimer's disease and stroke!
I don’t know about you but I’m SOLD! 🙌🙌
Let's take it a step further and bust some common myths about coffee.
Myth : Coffee dehydrates you
Not true. Why exactly? Well, take a look at your cup of coffee. Notice the watery consistency? You can attribute this characteristic to all the [redacted] water in a cup of coffee. The amount of H2O in a cup makes up for the dehydrating effects of caffeine.
Myth: Coffee helps you lose weight
Not exactly. The stimulating effects of caffeine can slightly — very slightly — increase your metabolism, but not enough to make a dent in your diet, especially in terms of long-term weight loss. Caffeine may reduce your desire to eat for a brief time, but there’s not enough evidence to show that long-term consumption aids weight loss. (NOTE: coffee is NOT a meal- please enjoy your coffee AND eat food!)
Myth: Caffeine is highly addictive
Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which causes a very slight dependence, however, the withdrawal effects last only a day or two and are a far cry from the withdrawal effects [traditionally associated with additions].
Sip happy friends! ☕️😊